Hawthorn Leaf is an organic dried herb that is widely used in herbal medicine. It is known to be a tonic for the heart and arteries, and can help to improve circulation. Hawthorn Leaf is also a natural diuretic, and can be used to treat digestive issues such as indigestion and constipation. This herbal remedy has been used for centuries to treat many ailments, and is sure to help you feel your best.
Infusion for tea : up to 1 to 2 cups a day
To reduce anxiety : 1 teaspoon of crushed dried flower and ground troches to 1 cup of boiling water, steep for 10 minutes, strain. You may add sweetener like sugar or honey to taste. Up to 3 cups a day.
*Precautions :
Not for children under 12, or women during pregnancy and lactation. Suggested to use medical supervision if you suffer with hypertension or coronary disease, or taking other medications (especially digitalis).
More Notes:
allies of cardiovascular health- good for men
strengthen the heart, calms the nerves
tone blood supply to coronary arteries, prevents blood clots
drink infusion, symbol of protection and purity
'valerian of the heart', anxiolytic effect, eliminates anxiety, antispasmodic effect
strong cardio tonic action, regulate heart rate, reduce arrythmias
remedy for anxiety, nervousness, stress, tight in chest, difficulties breathing, rapid palpitations
treats insomnia, works likes diuretic, useful for regulating blood pressure
combine valerian, linden flower
not administered to child under 12, pregnant/breastfeeding, medical supervision if suffer hypertension, coronary disease
Composition : Flavonoids, tannins, triterpenes, steroids, amines, and essential oils.