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Garlic is an organic vegetable that is a must have for any kitchen! Rich in vitamins and minerals, it is an antioxidant powerhouse that can help boost immune system health. Its pungent aroma and flavor make it a favorite for enhancing dishes and adding a delicious flavor. Garlic is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes and is an essential part of any healthy diet. 

More Notes:

cardiovascular health- allied against infections
good ally for older adults helps lower cholesterol , good blood thinner use bulb 10-12 cloves
prevents clots, lowers blood pressure
antioxidant, antiseptic, expectorant, antimicrobial, boosts defenses
cure chronic bronchitis and colds
externally treats calluses and warts
raw garlic treats many ailments, more effective than cooked
garlic powder, capsules, essential oil to avoid garlic breath
gives food flavor, aroma- volatile sulfur
'cure all' many health benefits
diuretic cleansing antiseptic antibiotic properties
enhances body defenses
effective for respiratory infections like bronchitis , colds
curing urinary tract infections
works as vasodilator to thin blood, promotes blood circulation prevents blood clots
lower blood pressure/high cholesterol
powerful antioxidant , externally removes corns and warts
not during breastfeeding, people w/ blood clotting disorders use carefully

** These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, care, or prevent any disease. **


**For Educational purposes only**

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