Dandelions, a member of the Asteraceae (sunflower) family, are a persistent and ubiquitous weed found in lawns and gardens. All parts of the dandelion, including the root, leaves, and flower, are used medicinally and in food. The root and leaves can be used to make a diuretic tea, which is an excellent tonic for the liver and kidneys. The flowers can also be used to make a dandelion wine. The roots can be roasted and used as a coffee substitute. Dandelion roots and leaves can be made into a tincture using alcohol as the solvent, while boiling water can be used to make a dandelion tea.
This Dandelion root is completely organic and sustainably sourced, making it an ideal choice for those seeking natural herbal remedies. It is known for its cleansing and purifying properties, and is often used to detoxify the body, improve digestion, and support liver health. The dried root can be brewed into a tea, added to tinctures, or smoked. Our Dandelion is of the highest quality, ensuring a potent and enjoyable experience.
More Notes:
Great ally of the liver and kidneys
ordinary weed
fresh leaves can be eaten on salads
great purifying power makes dandelion essential in detoxifying cleanses
Essential in weight loss- low caloric content
Increases bile production
one of the most beneficial plants for liver disorders/gallbladder malfunction
Stimulates appetite, aids digestion, mild laxative effect
Orally as tea, or salads, 2/3 tbspn fresh juice before meals, has diuretic and cleansing effect
Highly rec. for preventing water retention
Effective for eczema, rashes, boils from autointoxication
Rec. when seasons change effective for overeating, weight control, helps digestion
Do not use during pregnanacy / lactation, young children, suffering bile duct obstruction, gallstones consult before